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Antibullying Awareness – Supporting Our Local Community

Being part of Oakville, all of us here at Oak Hill Orthodontics have a huge heart for this community and its youth. To help kick off pink shirt day and Anti-bullying awareness this past February, we had the opportunity to sponsor internationally known guest speaker Tad Malmine, to come to Oakville and share his story with some of our local schools.

Tad shared his amazing story called “Bullying Ends Here” to the grade 7 and 8’s at Post’s Corners Public School and also the grade 9’s at White Oaks Secondary School, reaching out to almost 500 students.

Bullying Ends Here focuses on Tads experience growing up and the effect of bullying on his life, and the life of a friend, Jamie Hubley. It was hearing the story of Jamie Hubley, a young boy who took his life because of the constant bullying, that made Tad decide to share his story with us. Tads story educates youth and adults about bullying, how we as bystanders can help those who might be getting bullied, and to bring awareness to the devastating consequences of bullying.

What an amazing testimony of what Tad endured for so many years until finally he decided one day to stand up and walk away from the bullies in his life. Tad’s inspirational story not only changes lives, but also saves them! Please check out for more information about Tad and his story!

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